Explosive Performance (EP) Band Workout with Virtual Coach Kris
Strength Workouts
Athlete training with virtual coach Kris will guide you thorough a band workout focusing on strength in the lower & upper body.
suggested props: partner and bands
target areas: upper & lower body
sweat level: 2
If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before participating in the workout.
Up Next in Strength Workouts
Day 1 - Advanced Part 1 -Explosive Pe...
Athlete training with virtual Coach Kris, who runs you through a set routine for prep, rapid response and speed drills to get you moving faster.
suggested props: tape on the floor
target areas: total body
sweat level: 3If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor...
Explosive Performance (EP) #2 Strengt...
Athlete training strength focusing on the lower body, upper body and core.
suggested props: bench and dumbells
target areas: upper body, lower body, core
sweat level: 3If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your doctor before participating in the workout.
Explosive Performance (EP) #3 Power w...
Athlete training with virtual coach Kris guides you through a Power Workout. The goal is to get as much power output as possible.
suggested props: tape on floor, bands, pad, box or step
target areas: total body
sweat level: 3If you have any health issues or are pregnant, please consult your do...